Anees Jillani
Nobody nowadays appears to have the time to read. There is so much information available that there is an information overload. Despite this, we at SPARC desire to take some of your time to apprise you about the latest issues confronting more than 130 million children of Pakistan and what SPARC is doing to alleviate the suffering of some of these children. Unfortunately, the media seldom covers issues about children unless they are sensational, and often has an angle about a particular issue. This is thus the reason for this website. I hope many will read it and generate a positive and interesting discussion.

Asiya Arif
Executive Director
SPARC is a voice for the voiceless i.e. children. We try not to miss out on their issues and create long-lasting impact rather than a band aid solution. This is mainly done through advocacy, networking with likeminded friends, organizations and service delivery. In the age of communication, I still believe website is a powerful tool in amplifying our voice and reaching out to a range of audience including children, youth, policy makers, think tanks, academics and donors. Let’s stay connected as a discourse over children should go on!
A world in which children are valued and empowered, and their rights promoted and protected.
To promote and protect the rights of children and empower them through advocacy, research, awareness, service delivery, and institutional development.